
Give Me a Reason to Accept Traditional Chinese Medicine

What is Traditional Chinese Medicine? Give Me a Reason to Accept Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Nowadays, in the field of medicine, doctors from all over the world have already realized the advantages of Western medicine. Western medicine is a kind of medicines based on Micro knowledge and contributes a lot for wellbeing of people from different countries. It is characterized by accuracy and effectiveness. That is why Western medicine is welcomed and that is also the reason why Traditional Chinese Medicine can not be accepted by people who have used Western medicine for a long time before.
However, Traditional Chinese Medicine has its own characteristics. Some patients are surprised that Chinese Medicine could treat the disease when Western medicine is unavailable. And since more and more examples like that, people around the world start to realize the existence of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Curing disease fundamentally is the most crucial characteristic of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is quite different from Western medicine which is aimed at symptoms only. Western medicine is an effective symptomatic treatment, but sometimes symptoms can not reflect the cause of disease. So the symptoms will occur over and over again. That is why some diseases can not be cured by Western medicine.
The second characteristic of Traditional Chinese Medicine is its minimal side-effect, we all know that the side-effects of Western medicine are obvious. People who want to cure one disease may get another disorder due to Western medicine’s side-effect. Compared with Western medicine, Chinese Medicine’s side-effects are not worth mentioning, but the bitter taste of Chinese Medicine sometimes can not be accepted. Just as an old motto goes in China, “Bitter medicine cures sickness; unpalatable advice benefits conduct.”
Experienced doctors understand the joint effect of Western medicine and Chinese Medicine, and they know that is the best way to treat disease fundamentally and to restrain the symptoms effectively. It is necessary for people from any countries besides those in China to understand Traditional Chinese Medicine, and know its functions and take advantage of it.

Is IgA Nephropathy Curable?

1. What is IgA Nephropathy?
IgA Nephropathy is a kidney disorder that occurs when IgA---a protein thathelps our bodies fight infections---settles in the kidneys. The disorder can occur suddenly (acute), or progress slowly over many years (choric glomerulonephritis). When itoccurs, the IgA deposits may cause the kidneys to leak blood and sometimes protein in the urine.
2. Is IgA Nephropathy curable?
As a matter of fact, kidney disease usually can not be cured. When the kidneys are damaged, they can not be repaired. Treatments usually focus on slowing the progression of the disease and preventing complications. Though IgA Nephropathy can not be cured completely, we can delay the progression and expect a good prognosis through effective treatments.
3. Is there any effective treatment for IgA Nephropathy?
The goal of treatment is to relieve symptoms and prevent or delay chronic renal failure.
The conventional treatment of IgA Nephropathy is pure Western Medicine. The using of hormone, cyclophosphamide and other Western medicine can achieve the effects of anti-inflammatory and anticoagulation in a short time. However, hormone can only relieve patient’s condition temporarily, and it has obvious side effects and is easy to relapse. Because Western Medicine can not achieve the effect of repairing the damaged renal intrinsic cells, and the renal fibrosis progression can not be blocked either, patient’s condition will aggravate as time goes on. When we are affected by some riskyfactors, such as colds, infections, diet, mood and others, IgA Nephropathy will relapse once again. In a word, Western Medicine can not treat IgA Nephropathy fundamentally.
In such cases, we can take into considerationTraditional Chinese Medicine. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy of Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is such an effective treatment of IgA Nephropathy. The therapeutic mechanism of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is that it can block the renal fibrosis, repair the damaged renal intrinsic cells and rebuild the renal functions. The significant character of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is that it can treat the disease fundamentally. Thus we can delay the progression of the disease.


How to Treat Lupus Nephritis without Hormone?

  With a lot of hormones side effects,how to Treat Lupus Nephritis without Hormone?
Clinical practices have proven the joint effect of Hormone (Western medicine) and Chinese medicine. That is also the reason why we select Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. Firstly, taking advantages of characteristic of Chinese Medicine——treat the disease fundamentally. As it is known to us, the tradition way concentrates on treating proteinuria, which is an outstanding function of Hormone or other western medicines. However, this method has nothing to do with the cause of Lupus Nephritis (damage of glomerular epithelial cells), the treatment of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy could repair the glomerular epithelial cells by its curative effects like dilating blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anticoagulation and preventing blood viscosity.
Here we can take an example, the damaged kidney (by Lupus Nephritis) can be likened to a leaked kettle fully filled with water, the function of Hormone (Western medicine) is to refill the water and the function of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is to make up the leakage source of the kettle, then we can easily figure out the importance of Micro-Chinese Medicine.

How does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Treat Hypertensive Nephropathy?

  How does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Treat Hypertensive Nephropathy? What should we do? It has what function?
I.improve various kinds of blood vessels and decrease the blood pressure fundamentally.
There are a large number of relaxing factors of blood vassal in superfinely-shattered Chinese Medicines, which will permeate into small vessels and play a synergistic effect together with vessel-tension factors, and the effect of these is to relax the blood vessels around the body and kidneys. So it could remit the high blood pressure caused by poor and overstrain vasodilation.
II.repair the damaged nephrons, improve kidney function
Once Micro-Chinese Medicine is permeated into patients’ body, the effective medicines will directly permeate into kidney lesions (aiming at immune complexes and sclerosing glomeruli etc.). It will release Chinese Medicine’s active substances to repair pathological tissues and immune complexes. The function of kidneys will begin to recover when the kidneys are repaired. That is the way Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Treat Hypertensive Nephropathy. On the treatment of Uremia and Hypertensive Nephropathy, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is not only fast in curative effect but also not easily to relapse.

How Does Western Medicine Treat IgA Nephropathy?

How Does Western Medicine Treat IgA Nephropathy?There are several ways?Let us look at General treatment
I General treatment
For the gross hematuria patients who have had upper respiratory tract infection, they should be treated by with effective antibiotic. For the IgA nephropathy patients with high blood pressure, we should take active measures to control the high blood pressure to lest hemodynamics abnormality and vascular impairment which can aggravate the nephritis’ conditions. For those patients who suffer from repeated gross hematuria, tonsil resection operation can be considered. Some reports point out that 40% of IgA hematuria patients can remit after having their tonsils focus resected.
II Regulate immune response
Taking Prednisolone to treat IgA nephritis, there is a 40% remission rate of the disease; combing to use Dipyridamole, Cyclophosphamide and P:dilantin ( 5-6mg/kg per daydaily), the serum IgA level can be lowered; taking Cyclosporine A ( 5mg/kg per daydaily), then the protein level can be lowered.
III Remove the immune complex in the blood circulation
After removing the immune complex in the blood circulation and letting the IgA nephritis patients take bran-free food for 6 months to 4 year, the IgA in the blood can decline dramatically, the condition of urine protein and hematuria can also be improved. The usage of intal for 1.2g per daydaily can reduce the protein level.
IV Reduce the sedimentation of IgA at the mesangial area
Taking Daonil,200mg, 200mg dailyper day, for 4 months, C3, the alexin, increases and urine protein level decreases. The usage of icosapeptide pentanoate and fish oil for 1.6g daily per day can delay the deteriorations of renal functions offunctions of IgA nephropathy patients.
In the first two measures, clinical data show that treating patients only by with Western medicine can improve the conditions of protein, occult and blood pressure. However, it can only temporarily inhibit other complications, and when the patients come across colds, infections and other unfavorable factors, many other symptoms of the disease will appear again.
Among the 110 IgA nephrit patients who are receiving treatments in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, most of them are treated in with the above-mentioned traditional therapies at the early stage of the disease, but the repeated relapses trouble them. Yet, in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, after receiving combing treatment of Chinese and Western medicine with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, the tracking statistics show that 98% patients gain favorable curative effects and the illness usually don’t recur. The most important is that the Micro-Chinese osmotherapy can effect a fundamental and permanent cure. It can not only clear away the immune complex at the glomerular basement membrane, but also, at the same time, restore the damaged organization of kidney and renew the function of kidney.

What is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy?

What is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy? It have what use?
Compared with the treatment of Western medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Micro-Chinese

Medicine Osmotherapy integrates advantages of both two therapies and gets rid of their drawbacks; as

we know, Western medicine could get effect instantly, but it has various serious side effects and it

is easy to relapse because the root of disease has not be treated. As for Traditional Chinese

Medicine, correct and effective prescriptions could treat the disease fundamentally, but the course

of treatment takes time and also has side-effects to some organs, e.g. intestines and stomach.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is to make the effective prescriptions of kidney disease

superfinely shattered. Then with the help of effective penetrant and osmosis devices, the effective

medicines are permeated into kidney lesions by external application, thus taking advantages of

getting effect instantly of Western medicine. Micro-Chinese Medicine is superfinely shattered

Chinese Medicine, without any chemical substances, thus overcoming the drawback of serious side

effects of Western medicine. It also could overcome drawback of long treatment course of Traditional

Chinese Medicine by directly penetrating into kidney lesions, and get rid of side effect of Chinese

Medicine by adopting external application.

The therapeutic mechanism of this therapy is to block kidney fibrosis, repair damaged renal

intrinsic cells and to rebuild the normal kidney structure, and the realizing of these purposes is

based on Chinese medicine curative effects like dilating blood vessels, anti-inflammation,

anticoagulation, preventing blood viscosity and degrading extracellular matrixes.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has achieved great effect clinically, and has already given

health back to many kidney disease patients. And it will benefit patients all over the world in the

near future.


Why Massive Proteinuria Appear in Nephrotic Syndrome

The emergence of proteinuria to the person's body is very bad,Why Massive Proteinuria Appear in Nephrotic Syndrome?
Influence of size of protein molecule. Glomerular capillary’s elimination of a certain substance is in inverse proportion to its effective molecular radius, so the larger the molecular weight, the less of it will be filtered out or just cannot be filtered out at all.

In general condition, less amount of plasma protein (for example, albumin) with 60~70 thousand Dalton molecular weight will be filtered out; plasma protein (for example, α1 lipoprotein) of which the molecular weight is more than 200 thousand Dalton cannot be filtered out while plasma protein with relatively small molecular weight (less than 40 thousand) such as muramidase, β2-mg and light chain of immune globulin etc. can be filtered out freely. The barrier function, of which the filtration varies with protein molecular weight, is called molecule-selective barrier (or mechanical barrier).

Why does massive protein appear in Nephrotic Syndrome? Another reason is that protein is electrically charged. Both the endothecium and exothecium of the glomerular basement membrane and the surface of endothelial and epithelial cells of the glomerular vascular loops as well as the mesangial membrane contain rich amount of glycosaminoglycan (heparin sulfate) and sialic acid, both of which can charge the glomerular filtration membrane with negative charge and form the electrostatic barrier. By principle of “like charges repel”, clearance rate of protein with negative charges is the lowest and protein with positive charges the highest.


Why do Nephrotic Syndrome Patients Develop Edema?

Why do Nephrotic Syndrome Patients Develop Edema? This is us today to write.Treatment for kidney disease, enjoy healthy life.
I Fluid and sodium retention caused by low glomerular filtration rate;
II The fluid is likely to flow into tissue space from vessels due to the increased capillary permeability;
III Plasma colloid osmotic pressure decreases because of low albumin, and then the blood is likely to flow into tissue space;
IV Secondary aldosterone increases because of decrease of effective blood volume, which also aggravates the fluid and sodium retention.
Human beings’ kidneys have strong compensatory capacity, which means that kidneys have already be damaged in a certain degree when nephrotic edema occurs. We must pay attention to even slight edema, check up and treat it as soon as possible.
Treatment for kidney disease, enjoy healthy life.

How Should Patients with Hypertensive Nephropathy Drink Water

Why should drink more water nephropathy hypertension?
Hypertensive Nephropathy patients had better drink a glass of warm water every morning after getting up. This is because after a night's sleep, our body are lacking water relatively, and it will cause hemoconcentration. If we drink a glass of water, then the blood will be diluted and return to normal circulation, thus preventing Cerebral Thrombosis and Myocardial Infarction effectively.

· Drinking water before sleep is also very important for patients with Hypertensive Nephropathy. Some people would worry about that drinking water will cause frequent night urination. However, lacking of water in the night is also dangerous for patients with Hypertensive Nephropathy. For the elderly with Hypertension, due to the decline of their renal function and the frequent night urination, the plasma concentration and the hyperfunction of platelet cohesion will be increased. Therefore, in order to decrease the risk of thrombosis, drinking water before sleep is necessary.

· When drinking water, patients should pay attention to the principle of drinking a little at a time, for drinking a lot at a time will increase the burden on the heart.

2. What kind of drink is appropriate for patients with Hypertensive Nephropathy?

For patients with Hypertensive Nephropathy, the most appropriate drink which can supply water and is beneficial to the patients' health is green tea. The reason is that green tea contains abundant tea polyphenols. And the strong antioxidation of tea polyphenols can restrain the development of tumor and arteriosclerosis.

However, the tea also contains caffeine, theobromine and other active substances which can excite the central nervous system, and accelerate the excitement of the cerebral cortex, thus contracting the blood vessel of brain. For patients with Hypertensive Nephropathy, it is a potential risk. Therefore, strong tea is not appropriate.
Water is the source of life, drink more water is good for the body.

How to Prevent and Treat Diabetic Nephropathy

How to prevent diabetic kidney disease?Diabetic nephropathy should pay attention to what problem?
1. Controlling the blood pressure

As high blood pressure is one of the important factor which can aggravate Diabetic Nephropathy, patients should take a

delicate diet. Antihypertensive is necessary for patients with Diabetic Nephropathy who also have Hypertension.

2. Controlling the blood sugar

It is indicated by studies that no matter for Type 1 Diabetes or Type 2 Diabetes, the level of blood sugar control can affect

the occurrence and development of Diabetic Nephropathy and Diabetic Eye Disease greatly. For patients with Type 1 Diabetes, a

good control of the blood sugar can decrease half of the probability of developing Diabetic Nephropathy; and for patients

with Type 2 Diabetes, it can decrease 1/3 of the probability.

3. Avoiding urinary tract infection

Repeated attack of urinary tract infection may accelerate the progression of Diabetic Nephropathy, therefore, patients should

avoid urinary tract infection as much as possible.

4. Paying attention to the protein intake

In the early stage of Diabetic Nephropathy, patients will loss large amounts of protein in urine. Therefore, they should

supplement protein appropriately, especially supplement high-quality animal protein. However, in the late stage of Diabetic

Nephropathy, large quantities of protein intake would increase the metabolites of protein in blood, thus doing harm to the

patients' health. Therefore, the protein intake should be limited, especially the intake of low-quality plant protein.

5. Traditional Chinese Medicine

It is proved by clinical practice that in treating Diabetic Nephropathy, the therapeutic effect of Traditional Chinese

Medicine is good. However, it will take a long time for Traditional Chinese Medicine to take effect and has an obvious

therapeutic effect. In addition, due to the bitter taste, it is really difficult for most patients to take the Chinese herbal

soup. Therefore, patients with Diabetic Nephropathy begin to expect a new therapy with Traditional Chinese Medicine which can

take effect quickly and avoid taking Chinese herbal soup. Actually, there is such a therapy, and it is named Micro-Chinese

Medicine Osmotherapy in our hospital. By this therapy, the effective prescriptions of Diabetic Nephropathy can be permeated

into the kidney lesions by external application, thus achieving the goal of treating Diabetic Nephropathy.
Chinese medicine take temporary solution,China's miraculous Chinese traditional medicine.


High-Vitamin Diet for Nephrotic Syndrome Patients

Nephrotic Syndrome Patients should pay attention to diet.

Vitamin plays a part in the energy metabolism of our human body, and the deficiency of it can

cause disorders of energy metabolism. Many blood coagulation factors and anticoagulation factors

are vitamin K-dependent. And the deficiency of the two factors will affect the hemostatic process

and the blood coagulation process. Vitamin D plays an important role in regulating calcium and

phosphorus metabolism. And folic acid and vitamin B6 also play a part in treating kidney disease.

In patients with Nephrotic Syndrome, no matter renal impairment or Renal Failure, all these

changes of the renal function will cause vitamin metabolism disorders, especially when

glucocorticoid is adopted in treating Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome.

When people develop Nephrotic Syndrome, the absorption and metabolism of vitamin will be affected

by the medicines the patients take, thus affecting the normal physiological activities of the

patients and further aggravating the patients' condition. In addition, vitamin can not be

synthesized in our human body, but is mainly supplemented by diets. Therefore, patients with

Nephrotic Syndrome should supplement enough vitamins by taking high-vitamin diet.

2. What is high-vitamin diet?

In order to supplement vitamins, patients with Nephrotic Syndrome just need to pay attention to

their daily diet. Generally, fresh vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins, such as pears,

apples, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.

As for vitamin D, which relates to Hypertension and the absorption of calcium and phosphorus,

patients with Nephrotic Syndrome should especially pay attention to. Cod liver oil is the food

which contains vitamin D most.

Can Hypertensive Nephropathy Be Found Early?

How early found Hypertensive Nephropathy.
1. Early detection of Hypertensive Nephropathy

There are some symptoms of Hypertensive Nephropathy which can help find this disease early:

· Backache: Patients will have backache of no clear or definite reason, and they had better go to hospital and have a check.

· There are many foams in the urine and they will not disappear in a short time.

· The color of the urine will change. In patients with Hypertensive Nephropathy, the color of their urine is like that of soy sauce.

· Nighttime urination: Generally, for normal people who are no more than 60 years old, nighttime urination is not frequent. However, if the young people have frequent urination at night, then it may indicates that the renal function of young people is not good.

· Edema: Edema will occur on the eyelids or the face when patients with Hypertensive Nephropathy get up in the morning, and it will disappear gradually after noon.

· Too much or too little urine: The average urine volume of normal people is 1500 ml/d, and the frequency is 4~8 times per day. If we have not had excessive sweating, drink large quantities of water, or had fever, we need to see a doctor to insure whether it is caused by renal lesions when the urine volume decreases or increases suddenly.

2. Definite diagnosis of Hypertensive Nephropathy

In the early stage of Hypertensive Nephropathy, the symptoms may not obvious in some patients, and the occurrence of the aforementioned symptoms can just indicate that we may have this disease, therefore, in order to make a definite diagnosis, we need to take the following tests in a hospital:

· Urinary microalbumin determination: When Hypertension begins to cause damage to the kidneys, the level of microalbumin in urine will increase. Therefore, the urinary microalbumin determination can help find out whether the kidney has been damaged.

· Red blood cell count: By routine urine test, there is often no microscopic hematuria. However, by the examination of urinary sediments, it is found that the red blood cells(mainly are abnormal red blood cells) in urine increase.

· β2 microglobulin determination in blood and urine


Why Do Nephrotic Syndrome Patients Need to Keep Away from Colds?

Patients with nephrotic syndrome to a cold, cold away from the very dangerous.
1. Actually, it does has relation with Nephrotic Syndrome.
By the stimulation of various infectious agents(such as virus, bacteria, dust, etc.), the immune

system of our human body will be activated, thus producing inflammation response to resist the

"external invasion". And new-type antigen-antibody response will form in the kidneys, which will

form large amounts of immune complexes depositing in the blood vessels of the kidneys, thus

causing ischemia and hypoxia of the kidney tissues. The ischemia and hypoxia will further cause

kidney tissue fibrosis, thus aggravating the patients' condition.
Nephrotic Syndrome is easy to relapse after colds. And among the complications of Nephrotic

Syndrome, colds is the most common one, and is also easy to be neglected, thus the patients'

condition are easy to be aggravated. Therefore, preventing colds is of great importance for

patients with Nephrotic Syndrome.

2. How to prevent colds?

· Steaming vinegar 15~20 minutes every day indoors

It can kill or restrain the germs indoors.

· Washing face with cold water, and taking a footbath with hot water every day can help increase

the body resistance.

· In the influenza seasons, taking some medicines for preventing colds.

· Using weak-salt water to gargle after meals every day

This method can help eliminate the oral bacteria.